Este año 2018 nos embarcamos en otro PROYECTO ETWINNING en colaboración con BRITISH COUNCIL AND ERASMUS+ para internacionalizar nuestro centro. Estamos muy contentos de poder mostrar a nuestros alumnos y alumnas diferentes culturas, formas de pensar e idiomas. Y consideramos que es fundamental para motivarse con el inglés y también para conocer nuevos lugares del mundo y diferentes formas de hacer las cosas.
Puesto que el primer proyecto que estamos llevando a cabo titulado "Inclusion connect" & "Conectando la inclusión" está siendo muy interesante y motivador para los niños y niñas, hemos decidido embarcarnos en una nueva aventura con nuestros amigos de Londres y trabajar la REALIDAD VIRTUAL.
Esperamos que sea muy enriquecedor.
Cualquier duda que tengan sobre el proyecto pueden consultarla sin problema. De todas maneras les presentamos a continuación el proyecto que hemos realizado.
Además, en el siguiente enlace pueden conocer el colegio con el que vamos a realizar el proyecto:
Drew Primary School, Newham United Kingdom
Más información sobre el Programa eTwinning en la siguiente página web:
Un saludo
About the project
We are already working together, exchanging experiences , language , teaching and learning strategies.
But now we want to take it further we will like to experience travelling to our partner schools and get to know each other better.
It will be an Spanish – English language learning project and it will give pupils the opportunity to explore eachother’s classroom using 360° degree images and
a Virtual Reality (VR) headset.
1 Improve Spanish and English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills by
giving learning a real context through the medium of virtual reality.
2 Increase Spanish and English vocabulary base.
3 ICT and language learning integration.
4 Cross-curricular digital competence.
5 Interacting and collaborating with classmates and pupils from a
Spanish and English schools: communication; collaboration; storing images and
sharing media via the Twinspace and Twitter #eTmaps
6 Producing a 360° image: Planning a photo shoot, searching and
sourcing appropriate hardware and software.
7 Evaluate learning from the project and identify how it can be improved.
8 Increase motivation to learn Spanish and English by having a real audience.
Work process
1 Ask pupils to introduce themselves in writing to their partner class (in
Sp and Eng)
2 Tell students that next week they will be tasked with taking a 360° photo of their school. It will be posted to the Twinspace.
3 Until then, ask pupils to research useful phrases and vocabulary for the task.
4 Download the app which pupils have recommended to a smartphone (there are lots of free smartphone camera apps which let you create 360-degree images)
5 Ask students to take the picture (they will need to consider factors such as
lighting, depth of focus etc)
6 Share the image via the twinspace.
7 Ask students to study the Spanish 360 image using the VR headset with smartphone.
8 Ask each pupil to describe five differences or similarities between
Expected results
1 Recorded video call
2 Twinspace content e.g. pupil introductions
3 360 image
4 Improved learning
5 Motivated pupils and teachers
6 Partner school teachers plan next project
7 Social media sharing via #eTmaps